1. Sub-Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University, P.O.Box 8129 6700 EV Wageningen, The Netherlands
The increasing scarcity of clean water sets the need for appropriate management of available water resources. Particularly regions suffering from a lack of water urgently need integrated environmental protection and resource conservation (EP and RC) technologies in order to enable effective management of the available water resources. EP and RC-concepts focus on pollution prevention and on a minimum of consumptive use of energy, chemicals, and water in pollution abatement and a maximum of re-use of treated wastewater, by-products and residues produced in the treatment of waste and wastewater. Consequently, by implementing these concepts, waste(water)s like sewage and industrial effluents become an important source of water, fertilisers, soil conditioners and (frequently) energy instead of a social threat. In addition, a bridge is made between environmental protection and agriculture practice, stimulating (urban) agriculture in the neighbourhood of large cities.
Anaerobic treatment is considered as the core technology for mineralising organic compounds in waste(water) streams. Additional technologies are required to comply with the reuse criteria. Some examples of possible EP and RC concepts, using the anaerobic treatment technology for the reclamation of domestic sewage are discussed.
Water Science and Technology,Environmental Engineering
Cited by
26 articles.