Controlled drainage under two climate change scenarios in a flat high-latitude field


Salla Aleksi1ORCID,Salo Heidi1,Koivusalo Harri1


1. Water and Environmental Engineering, Department of Built Environment, School of Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland


Abstract This simulation study focused on the hydrological effects of climate change and controlled drainage operated with subsurface drains and an open collector ditch in an agricultural field. The objective was to understand the potential of controlled drainage and open ditch schemes for managing groundwater levels and field water balance in climate conditions projected to take place in Finland during the 21st century with representative concentration pathways 8.5 and 2.6. A methodological aim was to find ways to condense hourly hydrological results to understand future changes in field hydrology. During the historical reference interval (1970–2005), controlled drainage caused 17–36 cm higher mean groundwater levels and decreased the mean annual drain discharge by 11–23% compared to conventional subsurface drainage. Controlled drainage was projected to increase groundwater levels by additional 1–4 cm in the future compared to its effect on drainage during the reference interval. The effect on annual drain discharge did not change significantly. The open collector ditch lowered groundwater tables and diminished the effect of controlled drainage on groundwater levels in the vicinity of the ditch. Controlled drainage was shown to remain an effective method for countering early summer drought and reducing drain discharge.


Environmental Ministry of Finland

Salaojituksen Tukisäätiö sr

Maa- ja vesitekniikan tuki ry

Sven Hallinin Tutkimussäätiö


IWA Publishing


Water Science and Technology

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