The drinking water crises of Flint and Havelock North: a failure of public health risk management


McLaren S. J.1,Sahli M. W.2,Selig S.2,Masten S. J.3ORCID,Page W. H.1


1. a College of Health, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

2. b Department of Public Health and Health Sciences, Coolege of Health Sciences, University of Michigan-Flint, Flint, MI, USA

3. c Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA


Abstract Between 2014 and 2016, there were two severe community water system (CWS) failures in Flint, Michigan (MI), USA and Havelock North, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. These events had profound implications for public health in their respective countries. While the nature of both crises was different, certain aspects of the failings were strikingly similar. These included: failure of authorities to protect the integrity of their source water,‘wait-and-see approach’ to address problems if and when they occurred,negligent approach to regulatory oversight and responsibility,substandard facilities and lack of knowledge and training of staff,failure of consultants and advisory services engaged by suppliers, andfailure of government agencies to enforce regulations. The lessons from both incidents must be learned, or similar tragic events are likely to reoccur. The six principles identified in the Government Inquiry into the Havelock North outbreak are an essential first step. The next step is to implement them throughout the drinking water sector.


IWA Publishing


Infectious Diseases,Microbiology (medical),Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Waste Management and Disposal,Water Science and Technology

Reference61 articles.

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