Indirekte und direkte Evidenz für das Dreisilbengesetz. Überlegungen zur ägyptischen Sprachgeschichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Namen Nofretete und Nefertari sowie einer ungewöhnlichen Schreibung des Toponyms Memphis


Gundacker Roman


“Indirect and Direct Evidence for the ‘Dreisilbengesetz’. Reflections on the History of the Ancient Egyptian Language with Particular Attention to the Names Nefertiti and Nefertari as well as a Peculiar Spelling of the Toponym Memphis” - The greater part of the Egyptian language’s history down to the Coptic era is marked by a strict syllable structure and stress law, which only allowed for word stress on the penultimate or last syllable of any given word (“Zweisilbengesetz”). However, masculine and feminine nouns, singular and plural forms, base nouns and nisbe adjectives arranged in pairs have traditionally served as key witnesses for the reconstruction of an earlier stage of the Egyptian language, which was characterised by the ability to form words with word stress on any of the three last syllables (“Dreisilbengesetz”). A set of peculiar compound nouns (“Ältere Komposita”), which, when revocalised, display word stress on the antepenultimate syllable, is often regarded as evidence in favour of the “Dreisilbengesetz”, but, to date, there is a want of definitive proof therefor. In this article, the morphology of the personal names nfr.t-jrj.t “Nefertari” and “Nefertiti” is analysed with the result that they comprised the adjective *nắfĭrăt, which here, under peculiar circumstances, evolved to *năft-, but else to *nắfră(t). A hitherto largely unrecognised attestation of the “Älteres Kompositum” mn-nfr “Memphis”, which looks as if it contained the noun mnw “monument”, is identified as a sportive writing in order to indicate an actual pronunciation *mĭ́năfă(r). Either of these discoveries strongly supports the existence of the “Dreisilbengesetz” during the Old Kingdom, but further discussion reveals that, though this fits the elite idiom of the Memphite region, some parts of Upper Egypt had already advanced towards the “Zweisilbengesetz”. With this to start, the syllable structure rules during the time of the “Dreisilbengesetz” and processes of vowel elision as well as further prerequisites for the transition to the “Zweisilbengesetz” are investigated.


Widmaier Verlag


General Medicine

Reference586 articles.

1. Abd er-Raziq, Mahmud. 1979. Die altägyptischen Weingärten (kAnw/kAmw) bis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches, in: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 35, 227–247.

2. Abel, Hans. 1910. Zur Tonverschmelzung im Ägyptischen, Leipzig.

3. Adler, William & Paul Tuffin. 2002. The Chronography of George Synkellos. A Byzantine Chroni­cle of Universal History from the Creation, Oxford.

4. Adrom, Faried. 2006. Die Lehre des Amenemhet, Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca 19, Turnhout.

5. Albright, William F. 1934. The Vocalization of the Egyptian Syllabic Orthography, American Ori­ental Series 5, New Haven.

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1. Haremhab und Ar-ma-a-aš: Einige ägyptologisch-sprachwissenschaftliche Bemerkungen;Lingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Studies;2023-12

2. Zur Sonderentwicklung des Ayin neben Het;Lingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Studies;2022-12

3. The Morphological and Graphical Substitution of Ältere Komposita. Etymological Archaism and Contemporaneous Perception as Opposing Principles;Lingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Studies;2022-12







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