1. Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Science (SibSUTIS)
The article analyzes the electronic signature scheme for a video stream, proposed in the article by V. G. Nasennik (2021) and having the property of separability, i.e. the ability to select an arbitrary fragment of the video stream, in relation to which all the properties of the electronic signature are saved. The proposed technology has a fairly simple implementation and belongs to non-scalable ”fragile”methods, while authentication information is not embedded in the image, but is transmitted in metadata. The article analyzes the possible vulnerabilities of the scheme and suggests possible ways to eliminate them. The proposed modifications of the electronic signature scheme of the video stream make it possible to exclude editing of the sequence of frames or to replace the video stream, while the order of complexity of the modified scheme remains the same.
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
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