1. Emergence of Barnyardgrass, Green Foxtail, and Yellow Foxtail Seedlings from Various Soil Depths
2. A. Diarra, R. J. Smith, and R. E. Talbert .1985 .Growth and morphological characteristics of red rice (Oryza sativa) biotypes., Weed Sci, 33 :310 –314 .
3. W. R. Dodson, 1898 .Red Rice., La. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull, 50 :206 –226 .
4. R. E. Hoagland, and R. N. Paul .1978 .A comparative SEM study of red rice and several commercial rice (Oryza sativa) varieties., Weed Sci, 26 :619 –625 .
5. Emergence of Cheatgrass and Three Wheatgrasses from Four Seeding Depths