1. Bioefficacy and leaching of controlled‐release formulations of triazine herbicides
2. Anonymous. 2000. Guidance Document on Residue Analytical Methods. Web page: http://europa.eu.int/comm/foodplant/protection/resources/ guide_doc_825-00_rev7en.pdf. Accessed: September 1, 2004.
3. Simazine: commercial product Gesatop FW with 90% of active ingredient, Novartis Agro, S. A.–C/De la Marina 206, 08013 Barcelona, Spain.
4. Anonymous. 1991. Council Directive 91/414/EEC of 15 July 1991. Concerning Placing of Plant Protection Products on the Market. Official Journal of the European Community L230. 19 August 1991. Pp. 1–32.
5. Application of bioassay techniques to herbicide investigations