1. S. A. Culpepper, D. S. Carlson, and A. C. York .2005a .Pre-plant control of cutleaf eveningprimrose (Oenothera laciniata Hill) and wild radish (Raphanusraphanistrum L.) in conservation tillage cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L)., J. Cotton Sci, 9 :223 –22 .
2. S. A. Culpepper, E. Prostko, B. Brecke, J. Norsworthy, A. York, and D. Jordan .2005b .Weed management issues in reduced tillage systems in the southeast., Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc, 58 :105 .
3. S. A. Culpepper, and A. C. York .2005 .Managing weeds in cotton in the southeastern United States., Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc, 58 :87 .
4. Surfactants affect herbicides on kochia (Kochia scoparia) and Russian thistle (Salsola iberica)
5. D. Jordan, 2005 .Overview of tillage systems in the southeastern United States., Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc, 58 :99 .