Effect of Tillage and Soil-Applied Herbicides with Micro-Rate Herbicide Programs on Weed Control and Sugarbeet Growth


Bollman Scott L.,Sprague Christy L.


Field trials were conducted to determine if tillage and soil-applied herbicides had an effect on weed control and sugarbeet growth with a micro-rate herbicide program. Sugarbeet emergence was earlier in the moldboard plowed system compared with the chisel plowed system at three of four sites. Conditions were dry and sugarbeets emerged 5 d later in the moldboard plowed system compared with the chisel plowed system at the fourth site. Even though the rate of sugarbeet emergence differed between tillage systems at all four sites, final sugarbeet populations did not differ at two of the four sites. Sugarbeet injury from PRE treatments ofS-metolachlor, ethofumesate, and ethofumesate plus pyrazon, followed by four POST micro-rate applications, ranged from 11 to 27% and 1 to 18% in the chisel and moldboard plowed systems, respectively, 6 wk after planting (WAP). Under wet conditions, sugarbeet stand was reduced and injury was greatest from PRE applications ofS-metolachlor. Common lambsquarters, pigweed (redroot pigweed and Powell amaranth), and giant foxtail control in mid-August was consistently higher when a PRE herbicide was applied prior to micro-rate herbicide treatments. Even though there were differences between PRE and no-PRE treatments with respect to sugarbeet injury and weed control, recoverable white sucrose yield did not differ between herbicide treatments. However, recoverable white sucrose yield was greater in the moldboard plowed treatments compared with the chisel plowed treatments at three out of the four sites.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Plant Science,Agronomy and Crop Science

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