1. Bestuzhev, N.A., Goose Lake, in Dekabristy v Buryatii (Decembrists in Buryatiya), Verkhneudinsk, 1927, pp. 41–78.
2. Byull. Post. tsentr. seismol. komissii (okt.-dek. 1902 g.) (Bulletin of Central Standing Seismologic Commission (October–December, 1902 Year)), St. Petersburg: Tip. Akad. Nauk, 1903.
3. Byull. Post. tsentr. seismol. komissii (yanv.-mart. 1903 g.) (Bulletin of Central Standing Seismologic Commission (January–March, 1903 Year)), St. Petersburg: Tip. Akad. Nauk, 1904.
4. Byull. Post. tsentr. seismol. komissii (iyul’-sent. 1904 g.) (Bulletin of Central Standing Seismologic Commission (July–September, 1904 Year)), St. Petersburg: Tip. Akad. Nauk, 1905.
5. Byull. Post. tsentr. seismol. komissii (yanv.-mart 1905 g.) (Bulletin of Central Standing Seismologic Commission (January–March, 1905 Year)), St. Petersburg: Tip. Akad. Nauk, 1906a.