1. Products of the Sofradir Company: Cooled IR Photodetectors ( http://www.sofradir-ec.com/products-cooled.asp ).
2. Products of the FLIR Systems, Inc. Company ( http://www.flir.com/cvs/cores/ ).
3. A. Rogalski, “Infrared Detectors: Status and Trends,” Progr. Quantum Electron 27, 59–210 (2003).
4. E. Mottin, P. Pantigny, and R. Boch, “An Improved Architecture of IR FPA Readout Circuits,” SPIE 3061, 119–128 (1997).
5. A. I. Kozlov, I. V. Marchishin, V. N. Ovsyuk, and V. V. Shashkin, “Silicon Multiplexers for Multielement IR Photodetectors,” Avtometriya 41(3), 88–99 2005 [Optoelectron., Instrum. Data Process. 41 (3), 74–83 (2005)].