1. Mogilevski, B.L., Metchnikoff. www.e-reading.club/ bookreader.php/145385/Reznik_-_Mechnikov.html http://bookz.ru/authors/ol_ga-taglina/il_a-me4_413/ 1-il_a-me4_413.html http://www.litmir.me/br/?b= 197336&p=1
2. Metchnikoff, I.I., Some facts of life of infusoria, Herald Nat. Phylos., 1865, vol. 7, nos. 47–52, pp. 1564–1569.
3. Metchnikoff, I.I., Ueber die Gattung Sphaerophrya, Arch. Anat., Physiol. u. wiss. Med., 1864, pp. 258–261.
4. Mechnikov, I., The Nobel Lecture, 1908. http://www. nobelprizeorg/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1908/ mechnikov-lecturehtml
5. Metchnikoff, E., Lecons sur la pathologie comparee de l’inflammation (Lectures on the Comparative Pathology of Inflammation), Paris: Masson, 1892, p. 268.