1. Theoretical Fundamentals of Radiolocation, Ed. by Ya. Shirman (Sov. Radio, Moscow, 1970) [in Russian].
2. V. S. Chernyak, Multiposition Radiolocation (Radio i Svyaz’, Moscow, 1993).
3. V. S. Kondrat’ev, A. F. Kotov, and L. N. Markov, Multiposition Radio Engineering Systems (Radio i Svyaz’, Moscow, 1986) [in Russian].
4. Yu. P. Mel’nikov and S. V. Popov, Radio Engineering Intelligence. Methods for Estimating the Efficiency of the Location of Radiation Sources (Radiotekhnika, Moscow, 2008) [in Russian].
5. V. D. Sytenkii, Passive Location Based on Amplitude Measurements (Izv. Vuzov Rossii. Radioelektronika, 2011).