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2. V. N. Pribylov, “Electrification of Dielectric Liquids with Weak Electrolytes in a Plane Channel,” Kolloidnyi Zh., Akad Nauk SSSR 51(3), 500–506 (1989).
3. V. A. Polyanskii and V. N. Pribylov, “Effect of Longitudinal Diffusion on the Charging Current of Fluid Dielectrics during Their Flow in a Channel,” Kolloidnyi Zh., Ross. Akad. Nauk 66(3), 372–375 (2004) [Colloid J. 66 (3), 329–332 (2004)].
4. V. N. Pribylov, “Electrification in a Plane Channel with a Given External Electric Field,” in Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Contemporary Problems of Electrophysics and Electrohydrodynamics of Fluids, St. Petersburg, 2006 (St. Petersburg Gos. Tekh. Univ., St. Petersburg, 2006), pp. 9–12.
5. V. N. Pribylov, Electrification of Weakly Conducting Liquids Flowing in Channels and Tubes, Caindidate’s Dissertation in Mathematics and Physics (Moscow State Univ., Moscow, 2005).