1. Kobelev, A.S. and Makarov, L.N., The way to create promising series of low voltage induction motors according to IEC modern requirements for energy efficiency classes, 12 Vsemirnyi elektrotekhnicheskii congress (VELK-2012) (Proc. 12th World Electrotechnical Congress), Moscow, Oct. 4–5, 2011.
2. Bespalov, V.Ya., Kobelev, A.S., Kruglikov, O.V., and Makarov, L.N., Induction electric drives of 7AVE energy efficient series: develop and application. Some results and further problems, Trudy VII Mezhdunar. konf. po avtomatizirovannomu privodu (AEP-2012) (Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Automated Electric Drive), Ivanovo: Ivanovo Power Engineering Institute, 2012.
3. Kobelev, A.S., Makarov, L.N., and Rusakovskii, A.M., Strategy for developing an electromagnetic core for induction electric motors of energy-efficient lineups, Russ. Electr. Eng., 2008, vol. 79, no. 11, p. 592.
4. Rusakovskii, M.A., Kolosov, A.L., Zakharov, A.V., Kobedev, A.S., and Kruglikov, O.V., Induction low voltage frequency controlled electric drive of ADChR, VA, 7AVE series in frequency controlled electric drive, Izv. Tulsk. Gos. Univ., Tekhnich. Nauki, 2010, issue 3, part 4, pp. 168–174.
5. Kobelev, A.S., Primenenie klasternogo analiza v mnogopotokovom proektirovanii aktivnykh chastei asinkhronnykh elektrodvigatelei, Elektrotekhnika, 2015, no. 3.