1. D. W. Blackett, “Some Blotto Games,” Nav. Res. Logist. Quarterly 1(1), 55–60 (1954).
2. O. Gross and R. Wagner, A Continuous Colonel Blotto Game U. S. Air Force Project RAND (Research Memorandum-408, 1950).
3. A. A. Vasin and V. V. Morozov, Game Theory (MAKS, Moscow, 2008) [in Russian].
4. V. F. Ogaryshev, “Composite strategies in a generalization of the Gross problem,” Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. 13(1), 59–70 (1973).
5. E. M. L. Beale and G. P. M. Heselden, “An approximate method of solving Blotto games,” Nav. Res. Logist. Quarterly 9(2), 65–79 (1962).