1. J. Barwise, Yu. L. Ershov, E. A. Palyutin, and A. D. Taimanov (eds.), Handbook of Mathematical Logic (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977).
2. J. Barwise and A. Robinson, “Completing theories by forcing,” Ann.Math. Logic 2, 119 (1970).
3. C. C. Chang and H. J. Keisler, Model Theory (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990).
4. P. J. Cohen, Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis (W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York–Amsterdam, 1966).
5. Yu. L. Ershov, “On the elementary theory of maximal normed fields,” Soviet Math., Dokl. 6, 1390 (1965) [Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 165, 21 (1965)].