1. V. K. Bityukov and A. A. Rukhadze, Kratkie Soobshcheniya po Fizike FIAN 42(3), 3 (2015) [Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institue 42, 67 (2015)].
2. A. F. Aleksandrov and A. A. Rukhadze, Lectures on Electrodynamics of Plasma-Like Media (MGU, Moscow, 1999) [in Russian].
3. V. Yu. Popov and V. P. Silin, Fiz. Plazmy 40, 368 (2014) [Plasma Phys. Rep. 40, 298 (2014)]; see also V.P. Silin, in On the Fundamental Studies by A. A. Vlasov on Plasma Physics and their Discussion (Mir Zhurnalov, Moscow, 2014) [in Russian].
4. V. P. Silin, Prikl. Fiz., No. 6, 5 (2012).
5. M. Abramowitz and I. Stegan, Handbook on Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables (Dover Publications, New York, 1972; Nauka, Moscow, 1979).