1. The first standard in the area of digital twins of products developed by the staff of the Center of National Technological Initiative of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg University and All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics is approved. https://nticenter.spbstu.ru/news/7881. Cited February 16, 2022.
2. Dozortsev, V.M., Digital twins in industry: Genesis, composition, terminology, technologies, platforms, and prospects. Part 3: Applied platforms, practical examples, forecasts of development, and challenges, Avtom. Prom-sti., 2021, no. 1, pp. 5–14. https://doi.org/10.25728/avtprom.2021.01.01
3. Road map of development of end-to-end digital technology New Production Technologies, 2019. https://digital. gov.ru/ru/documents/6662/. Cited March 2, 2022.
4. CML-Bench™ is the digital platform for developing and applying digital twins. https://cml-bench.ru/. Cited March 2, 2022.
5. Digital twins of products, Open Education. https:// openedu.ru/course/spbstu/DIGTWIN/?session=fall_ 2022. Cited March 2, 2022.