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3. Savchenko, A.V., Kryuchenko, Yu.V., Kostylev, V.P., et al., The way to optimize parameters in hetero-junction photoelectrical transducers based on crystalline silicon, Fiz. Tekhn. Poluprovodn., 2016, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 259–263.
4. Tarasenko, A.B. and Popel’, O.S., Industrial technologies for photovoltaic energetic and ways of their possible development in Russia. Review. Part 1. General approaches for manufacturing photoelectric transducers and basic silicon technologies, Teploenergetika, 2015, no. 11, pp. 61–69.
5. Tarasenko, A.B. and Popel’, O.S., Industrial technologies for photovoltaic energetic and ways of their possible development in Russia. A review. Part 2. The way to modify manufacturing technologies for photoelectric transducers; contact structures improving and the way to choose promising technologies for photoelectric transducers manufacturing expansion in Russia, Teploenergetika, 2015, no. 12, pp. 29–39.