1. Baraboshkin, A.N., Tarasova, K.P., and Ksenofontova, T.B., Elektrokhimicheskie protsessy pri elektroosazhdenii i anodnom rastvorenii metallov (Electrochemical Processes in the Electrodeposition and Anodic Solution of Metals), Moscow: Nauka, 1969.
2. Tarasova, K.P., Baraboshkin, A.N., and Martem’yanova, Z.S., Tr. Inst. Elektrokhim. UNTs AN SSSR, 1970, issue 15, p. 40.
3. Tarasova, K.P., Baraboshkin, A.N., and Martem’yanova, Z.S., Tr. Inst. Elektrokhim. UNTs AN SSSR, 1971, issue 17, p. 118.
4. Tarasova, K.P., Baraboshkin, A.N., and Nazarov, V.A., Tr. Inst. Elektrokhim. UNTs AN SSSR, 1972, issue 18, p. 94.
5. Baraboshkin, A.N., Elektrokristallizatsiya metallov iz rasplavlennykh solei (Electrocrystallization of Metals from Molten Salts), Moscow: Nauka, 1976.