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2. Yu. B. Germeier, Derivatives of Riemann and Vallйe Poussin and their application to problems from the theory of trigonometric series, Candidate’s Dissertation (Physical-Mathematical Sciences, Moscow, 1946).
3. I. I. Privalov, Boundary Properties of Analytic Functions (GITTL, Moscow, 1950) [in Russian].
4. D. E. Men’shov, ‘‘On convergence in measure of trigonometric series,’’ Tr. Mat. Inst., Akad. Nauk SSSR 32, 3–97 (1950).
5. A. A. Talalyan, ‘‘Trigonometric series which are universal with respect to subseries,’’ Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat. 27 (3), 621–660 (1963).