1. Benediktov, A.A., Acoustic Communication of Acridoid Grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae) as a Model for Monitoring of Geoecosystems, in Kompleksnoe izuchenie aridnoi zony tsentral’noi Azii: Mater. mezhdunar. rab. soveshch. (Complex Study of the Arid Zone of the Central Asia, Proc. Int. Workshop), Kyzyl, 1998a, pp. 12–14.
2. Benediktov, A.A., Acoustic Signaling of Grasshoppers of the Genus Tetrix (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae), Zool. Zh., 1998b, issue 9, pp. 1021–1025.
3. Benediktov, A.A., Communication between Humans and Insects, Khimiya Zhizn’, 2006, issue 4, pp. 60–61.
4. Benediktov, A.A., New Data on Vibrational Signaling in Orthopterans of the Family Tetrigidae (Orthoptera), in Ustoichivoe razvitie kontinenta Aziya. Funktsional’naya ekologiya. Biosfernye issledovaniya: Tr. VII Ubsunurskogo mezhdunar. simpoz. Kyzyl, 20–24 sentyabrya 2001 g (Sustainable Development of the Asia Continent. Functional Ecology. Biospheric Studies. Proc. VII Ubsunur Int. Symp., Kyzyl, September 20–24, 2001), Moscow, 2002, pp. 97–106.
5. Benediktov, A.A., Orthopterous Insects of the Genus Erianthus Stal., 1875 (Orthoptera, Eumastacoidea, Erianthinae) under Insectarium Conditions and Their Vibrocommunication, in Bespozvonochnye zhivotnye v kollektsiyakh zooparkov: Mat-ly III Mezhdunar. seminara. Moskva, 22–27 oktyabrya 2007 g. (Invertebrate Animals in Zoo Collections. Proc. III Int. Workshop, Moscow, October 22–27, 2007), Mosk. Zoopark, 2008, pp. 24–29.