1. G. N. Duboshin, Celestial Mechanics: Basic Problems and Methods (Nauka, Moscow, 1968) [in Russian].
2. V. K. Abalakin, E. P. Aksenov, E. A. Grebenikov, et al., Reference Manual in Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics (Nauka, Moscow, 1976) [in Russian].
3. Yu. M. Kopnin, “On the Task of Rotating a Satellite’s Orbit Plane,” Kosm. Issl. 3 (4) (1965).
4. V. N. Lebedev, Calculation of Motion of a Spacecraft with Low Thrust (VTs AN, Moscow, 1968) [in Russian].
5. M. Z. Borshchevskii and M. V. Ioslovich, “On the Problem of Rotating the Orbital Plane of a Satellite by Means of Reactive Thrust,” Kosm. Issl. 7 (6) (1969).