Design and Usability of Library Websites


Shevchenko L. B.


Allerton Press


General Computer Science

Reference40 articles.

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1. Library Website Evaluation: How Do Australian States Compare?;Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association;2024-06-19

2. Is Your Library Website Missing Essential Information?: A Comparison and Evaluation of Public Library Websites in Australia, Canada, and United States;Journal of Web Librarianship;2022-07-03

3. Service-oriented information technologies in library processes and scientific communication;Proceedings of SPSTL SB RAS;2022-02-28

4. Российские библиотеки сквозь призму мирового веб-пространства: по данным опроса 2019 г;Научно-техническая информация. Серия 1: Организация и методика информационной работы;2020







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