1. Yakushev, V.P., Bure, V.M., and Brunova, T.M., Statistical methods in agrophysics, in Agrofizika ot A.F. Ioffe do nashikh dnei (Agrophysics from A. F. Ioffe to the Present Day), St. Petersburg: AFI, 2002, pp. 319–330.
2. Yakushev, V.P. and Yakushev, V.V., Informatsionnoe obespechenie tochnogo zemledeliya (Information Support for Precision Farming), St. Petersburg: Izd. Peterb. Inst. Yad. Fiz. Ross. Akad. Nauk, 2007.
3. Yakushev, V.P., Karelin, V.V., Bure, V.M., and Parilina, E.M., Soil acidity adaptive control problem, Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 2015, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1671–1677.
4. Yakushev, V.P. and Bure, V.M., Methodological approaches to the assessment of the optimal time for carrying out agrotechnological events, Dokl. Ross. S-kh. Akad., 2001, no. 4, pp. 27–30.
5. Yakushev, V.P. and Bure, V.M., Statistical estimation of the distribution of the optimal time for carrying out agrotechnological events, Dokl. Ross. S-kh. Akad., 2002, no. 3, pp. 11–13.