1. Aleksandrov, I.K., Energeticheskii analiz i puti snizheniya energoemkosti mashinnykh agregatov (ne primere sel’skokhozyaistvennykh mashin) (Energy Analysis and Means of Reducing the Energy Consumption of Machines, for the Example of Agricultural Machines), Vologda: Severo-Dvinskoe Otd. Inzhenernoi Akademii RF, 1993.
2. Aleksandrov, I.K., Energeticheskii analiz i puti snizheniya energoemkosti mashinnykh agregatov (Energy Analysis and Means of Reducing the Energy Consumption of Machines), Vologda: Severo-Dvinskoe Otd. Inzhenernoi Akademii RF, 1993.
3. Aleksandrov, I.K., Improving Agricultural Machines and Equipment on the Basis of Energy Analysis, Doctoral Dissertation, St Petersburg: SPGAU, 1993.
4. Aleksandrov, I.K., Energy Conservation in Machines, Vestn. Mashinostr., 1995, no. 2, pp. 23–27.
5. Aleksandrov, I.K., Adaptive Transmissions as a Means of Creating Economical Vehicles, Avtomobil. Prom., 1996, no. 2.