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3. Grechishnikov, V.A. and Pivkin, P.M., Cutting head for parting, machining grooves with conical generatrix and face grooving parts of various shape, Vestn. MGTU Stankin, 2014, no. 2(29), pp. 50–56.
4. Grechishnikov, V.A., Domnin, P.V., Kosarev, V.A., et al., Shaping by means of complex cutting tools, Russ. Eng. Res., 2014, vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 461–465.
5. Grechishnikov, V.A. and Pivkin, P.M., Simulation of the surface roughness of parts as a function of the tool parameters and the shape of the part’s generatrix in machining, Vestn. MGTU Stankin, 2014, no. 4(31), pp. 59–66.