1. Matvienko, Yu.G., Analysis of Admissible Sizes of Crack-Like Defects Based on Crack Growth Resistance Diagrams, Problems of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Safety, 2007, no. 2, pp. 110–115.
2. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fitness-for-Service, Germany: GKSS research Centre Geesthacht, 2007, p. 308.
3. Matvienko, Yu.G., Modeli i kriterii mekhaniki razrusheniya (Models and Criteria of Fracture Mechanics), Moscow: FIZMATLIT, 2006, p. 328.
4. Matvienko, Yu.G., Effect of Biaxial Loading on Crack Growth Resistance Diagrams of Bodies with Cracks and thin Notches, Problems of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Safety, 2006, no. 5, pp. 37–41.
5. Matvienko, Yu.G., Priimak, O.A. and Elksnin, V.V., Methods of Evaluating Admissible Depth of a Lengthy Surface Defect in Pressurized Cylinders, Problems of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Safety, 2007, no. 6, pp. 49–54.