1. Energosberezhenie i avtomatizatsiya elektrooborudovaniya kompressornykh stantsii (Energy Conservation and Automation of the Electrical Equipment in Compressor Stations), Kryukov, O.V., Ed., Nizhni Novgood: Vektor TiS, 2010, vol. 1.
2. Energosberezhenie i avtomatizatsiya elektrooborudovaniya kompressornykh stantsii (Energy Conservation and Automation of the Electrical Equipment in Compressor Stations), Kryukov, O.V., Ed., Nizhni Novgood: Vektor TiS, 2011, vol. 2.
3. Zakharov, P.A., Kiyanov, N.V., and Kryukov, O.V., Electrical equipment and automation systems for effective gas transport, Avtomat. Prom., 2008, no. 6, pp. 6–10.
4. Anikin, D.A., Rubnova, I.E., Kryukov, O.V., et al., Experience in designing control systems for electrically driven gas-pumping systems, Gaz. Prom., 2009, no. 2, pp. 44–47.
5. Kryukov, O.V., Regression algorithms for the invariant control of electric drives with stochastic perturbations, Elektrichestvo, 2008, no. 9, pp. 44–50.