1. Konchits, V.A., Nanitashvili, A.P., and Chernikov, V.A., Izv. TSKhA, 1975, issue 3.
2. Konchits, V.A. and Chernikov, V.A., Izv. TSKhA, 1977, issue 2.
3. Lykov, A.M., Chernikov, V.A., and V’yugin, S.M., Izv. TSKhA, 1975, issue 2.
4. Khmel’nitskii, R.A., Chernikov, V.A., Lukashenko, I.M., and Konchits, V.A., Izv. TSKhA, 1977, issues 6.
5. Chernikov, V.A. and Konchits, V.A., Investigation of the Structure of Soil Humic Acids by the Derivatographic Method, Nauchn. Dokl. Vyssh. Shk. Biol. Nauki, 1979, no. 2.