1. Farber, V.M., Khotinov, V.A., Arabei, A.B., et al., Fractographic Diagnostics of Crack-Resistant Pipe of Strength Group X80 (K65) on the Basis of Impact-Failure Tests, Tr. XVIII Mezhd. nauch.-tekhn. konf. Truby-2010 (Proceedings of Truby-2010: Eighteenth International Pipe Conference), Chelyabinsk: RosNITI, 2010, pp. 108–116.
2. Mannucci, G. and Demofonti, G., Control of Ductile Fracture Propagation in X80 Gas Linepipe, Int. Pipeline Technology Conference: Proceedings, Beijing, 2010, pp. 86–115.
3. Orlov, V.V., Il’in, A.V., Khlusova, E.I., et al., Influence of Structural Inhomogeneity on the Mechanical Properties and Performance of High-Strength Steel Pipe of Strength Class X70-X100, Tr. XVIII Mezhd. nauch.-tekhn. konf. Truby-2010 (Proceedings of Truby-2010: Eighteenth International Pipe Conference), Chelyabinsk: RosNITI, 2010, pp. 67–77.
4. Nasybulina, E.R., Struin, A.O., and Shirokov, V.V., Determining the Crack Resistance of Current Steel Pipe of Strength Class K65, Tr. XVIII Mezhd. nauch.-tekhn. konf. Truby-2010 (Proceedings of Truby-2010: Eighteenth International Pipe Conference), Chelyabinsk: RosNITI, 2010, pp. 122–126.
5. Schastlivtsev, V.M., Tabatchikov, T.I., Yakovleva, I.L., and Tereshchenko, N.A., Improving the Impact Strength by Laminar-Structure Formation in Pipe Steel, Tr. nauch.-tekhn. konf. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya metallurgii i mashinostroeniya s ispol’zovaniem zavershennykh fundamental’nykh issledovanii i NIOKR (Proceedings of a Conference on Problems and Prospects for Metallurgy and Manufacturing on the Basis of Fundamental Research and Development), Yekaterinburg: UrORAN, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 331–333.