1. A. A. Bachurina and E. N. Novikova, “Structure of Thermal Field in the Lower 500-m Layer of the Atmosphere in Moscow,” Trudy CVGMO, No. 6 (1975) [Trans. CVGMO, No. 6 (1975)].
2. E. Yu. Bezuglaya, “The Low Troposphere Inversions and Their Effect on Air Pollution in the City of Moscow,” Trudy Glavnoi Geofizicheskoi Observatorii, No. 207 (1968) [Trans. Main Geophysical Observatory, No. 207 (1968)].
3. V. A. Devyatova, Microaerological Studies of the Lower 1-km Layer of the Atmosphere (Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 1957) [in Russian].
4. A. A. Isaev, M. A. Kallistratova, M. A. Lokoshchenko, and M. S. Pekur, “Thermal Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Moscow,” Optika Atmosfery i Okeana, No. 5, 7 (1994) [Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, No. 5, 7 (1994)].
5. E. N. Kadygrov, I. N. Kuznetsova, and G. S. Golitsyn, “The Heat Island in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over a Megalopolis: New Results from Remote Sensor Data,” Doklady Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, No. 4, 385 (2002) [Doklady Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 4, 385 (2002)].