Studying intensive convection in Perm krai using the WRF model


Kalinin N. A.,Vetrov A. L.,Sviyazov E. M.,Popova E. V.


Allerton Press


Atmospheric Science,Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Water Science and Technology

Reference19 articles.

1. N. F. Vel’tishchev and V. D. Zhupanov, “Experiments on the Radar Reflectivity Data Assimilation in the WRF-ARW Model,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 3 (2012) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 3, 37 (2012)].

2. N. F. Vel’tishchev and V. D. Zhupanov, “Experiments on Numerical Modeling of Intense Convection,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 9 (2008) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 9, 33 (2008)].

3. N. F. Vel’tishchev, V. D. Zhupanov, and Yu. B. Pavlyukov “Short-range Forecast of Heavy Precipitation and Strong Wind Using the Convection-allowing WRF Models,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 1 (2011) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 1, 36 (2011)].

4. R. M. Vil’fand, G. S. Rivin, and I. A. Rozinkina, “Mesoscale Weather Short-range Forecasting at the Hydrometcenter of Russia, on the Example of COSMO-RU,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 1 (2010) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 1, 35 (2010)].

5. R. M. Vil’fand, G. S. Rivin, and I. A. Rozinkina, “COSMO-RU System of Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Short-range Weather Forecast of the Hydrometcenter of Russia: the First Stage of Realization and Development,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 8 (2010) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 8, 35 (2010)].

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3. Applicability of Multimodel Ensemble Prediction of Heavy Precipitation for the Perm Region: A Case Study for the Summer of 2019;Russian Meteorology and Hydrology;2021-07

4. Analysis of Flood Forecast Uncertainty Using the WRF Prediction of Precipitation and Air Temperature;Russian Meteorology and Hydrology;2020-11

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