1. O. M. Andreev and B. V. Ivanov, “Modeling of Freezing and Melting Hummocks on Shelf of Sakhalin Island,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 10 (2008) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 10, 33 (2008)].
2. O. M. Andreev and B. V. Ivanov, “One-Dimensional Thermodynamic Model of Hummock Evolution,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 6 (2007) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 6, 32 (2007)].
3. O. M. Andreev and B. V. Ivanov, “Assimilation of Shortwave Radiation in a Snow Column: A Problem Solution,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 12 (2001) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 12 (2001)].
4. O. M. Andreev and B. V. Ivanov, “Parametrization of Short-Wave Radiation Transfer in Snow-Ice Cover,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 2 (2003) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 2 (2003)].
5. O. M. Andreev and B. V. Ivanov, “Parametrization of Radiation Processes in the Ice-Cover Model,” Meteorol. Gidrol., No. 2 (2001) [Russ. Meteorol. Hydrol., No. 2 (2001)].