1. A. E. Bryson and Yu-Chi Ho, Applied Optimal Control (Mir, Moscow, 1972) [Transl. from English].
2. V. V. Kozoderov, T. V. Kondranin, and E. V. Dmitriev, Methods of Processing of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Aerospace Images (MFTI, Moscow, 2013) [in Russian].
3. Remote Sensing in Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Ed. by A. P. Cracknell (Mir, Moscow, 1984) [Transl. from English].
4. J. L. Lions, Contrôle Optimal de Systemes Gouvernes par des Equations aux Derivees Partielles (Dunod, Paris, 1968).
5. M. S. Malkevich, Satellite Studies of Atmospheric Optics (Nauka, Moscow, 1973) [in Russian].