Eye-Opening Experiences: Physical Education Teacher Candidates’ Conference Attendance


Fan Xiaoping,Patton Kevin,Zuest Luciana,Buschner Craig,Himberg Cathrine


The benefits of professional conference attendance include acquisition of knowledge and practical ideas, establishment of professional networks, exploration of job opportunities, and staying current). Yet, to date, no study has comprehensively examined physical education teacher candidates’ (TCs) conference attendance at the national level. Using occupational socialization theory, this study examined physical education TCs’ perceptions of their professional conference attendance. Participants included 12 university physical education TCs attending the 2017 Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) National Convention. Data sources included photo- elicitation interviews, participants’ diaries, photographs, and demographic questionnaires. Interview transcripts and diaries were analyzed utilizing open and axial coding. Photographs were analyzed using a reflexive approach combined with methods recognizing the contingency of visual meanings. Results indicated that the majority of formal conference sessions attended by TCs were activity/movement oriented and were selected based upon professor advice and learner interests. Prominent themes of their experience included future focused learning, relationship building, and breaking out of the comfort zone. Overall, conference attendance represents an impactful learning activity, one in which faculty play an important role in shaping TCs’ professional growth. Results indicate the importance of supporting TCs’ continual learning and development as they transition between phases of teacher socialization.


Sagamore Publishing, LLC








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