Strengthening public health policies for childhood cancer: Peru’s achievements through the WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer


Maradiegue Essy12,Pascual Claudia3,Vasquez Liliana4,Maza Ivan5,Ugaz Cecilia1,Montoya Jackeline1,Zapata Arturo1,García Henry6,Chavez Sharon1,Ordoñez Katy1,Rossi Jonathan7,Diaz Rosdali1,Morales Roxana1,Trigoso Viviana4,Ames Romy1,Celis Edinho1,Barzola Isela1,Torres Liliana1,Cosme Melitta1,Tarrillo Fanny5,Rojas Ninoska5,Santillan Carlos3,Quispe Yuly1,Palacios Víctor8,Godoy Victoria9,Tello Mariela9,Tarco Duniska1,Wachtel Antonio10,Malaver Estela11,Diaz Elizabeth12,Goyburu Marlene11,Perez Vivian3,Talavera Ivy3,Baca Maria Edith3,Maza Mauricio4,Saldaña Lily9,Holguin Alexis1,Jarquin Marta13,Loggetto Patricia13,Metzger Monika13,Friedrich Paola13,Lam Cath13,Rodriguez Galindo Carlos13


1. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, Lima, Peru


3. Pan American Health Organization, Lima, Peru

4. Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C., United States of America

5. Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, Lima, Peru

6. Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas del Sur, Lima, Peru

7. Ronald McDonald House Charities, Lima, Peru

8. Regional Health Management, Lambayeque, Peru

9. Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, Lima, Peru

10. Pediatric Oncology Association of Peru, Lima, Peru

11. Ministry of Health of Peru, Lima, Peru

12. National School of Public Health, Lima, Peru

13. Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, United States of America



To report the progress in Peru, since June 2019, in the implementation of the World Health Organization Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer using the CureAll framework, which can be replicated in low- and middle-income countries.


A mixed method was used of participatory and documentary evaluation. The participatory evaluation included stakeholders from various government institutions, nonprofit organizations, and international partners. The documentary aspect consisted of a review of data on the regulatory environment, national projects, and interventions implemented. The Ministry of Health engaged more than 150 participants to form working committees, which have developed policy and regulatory documents to strengthen care services.


Achievements include a decrease in the national treatment abandonment rate from 18.6% to 8.5%, the approval of the Childhood Cancer Law, improvements in the management of patients with febrile neutropenia, and a reduction in rates of events of clinical deterioration and mortality of hospitalized patients. The Cure All implementation framework allows local teams to implement specific strategies and monitor early outcomes in pediatric oncology.


The results obtained reflect the teamwork, the leadership of the authorities, the technical support of professionals, and the support of involved organizations. Further actions will be needed to guarantee sustainability, and monitoring tools are needed to assure success in the planned activities.


Pan American Health Organization


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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