Feasibility of using death certificates for studying place of death in Latin America


Seitz Katja1,Deliens Luc2,Cohen Joachim2,Emanuel Adrian Cardozo3,Tripodoro Vilma A.4,Cesar Iwamoto Marcucci Fernando5,Rodrigues Luís Fernando6,Derio Lea7,Sánchez-Cárdenas Miguel Antonio8,Salazar Valentina9,Samayoa Victor Rolando10,Pozo Ximena11,Dykeman-Sabado Diane A.12,Lanza Celina Castañeda de la13,Algaba Nineth Carolina Baltodano14,Alvarez Gabriela Píriz15,Viana Leticia16,González Tulio17,Pastrana Tania118


1. Department of Palliative Medicine, Medical Faculty, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

2. End-of-Life Care Research Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University, Brussels, Belgium

3. National Ministry of Health, Buenos Aires, Argentina

4. Department of Palliative Care, Institute of Medical Research A. Lanari, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

5. Hospital Dr. Anísio Figueiredo, State Health Secretariat of Paraná, Londrina, Brazil

6. Palliative Care Unit, Barretos Cancer Hospital, Barretos, Brazil

7. Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile

8. ATLANTES Global Palliative Care Observatory, Institute for Culture and Society, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

9. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tolima, Ibague, Colombia

10. Palliative Care Unit, Institute of Cancerology, Guatemala City, Guatemala

11. Palliative Care Unit, Hospital Comprehensive Care for the Elderly, Ministry of Public Health, Quito, Ecuador

12. Foundation Corazon del Siervo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

13. Coordination for Advance Directives and Palliative Care Program, Institute of Health of the State of Mexico, Ministry of Health of Mexico, Toluca, Mexico

14. Oncology Center for Chemotherapy and Palliative Care, Ministry of Health, Managua, Nicaragua

15. Faculty of Medicine, University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay

16. Department of Palliative Care and Pain, National Cancer Institute, Capiata, Paraguay

17. Institute of Oncology Dr. Luis Razetti, Caracas, Venezuela

18. Tania Pastrana, tpastrana@ukaachen.de



This paper assesses the availability and quality of death certificate data in Latin America and the feasibility of using these data to study place of death and associated factors.


In this comparative study, we collected examples of current official death certificates and digital data files containing information about all deaths that occurred during 1 year in 19 Latin American countries. Data were collected from June 2019 to May 2020. The records for place of death and associated variables were studied. The criteria for data quality were completeness, number of ill-defined causes of death and timeliness.


All 19 countries provided copies of current official death certificates and 18 of these registered the place of death. Distinguishing among hospital or other health care institution, home and other was possible for all countries. Digital data files with death certificate data were available from 12 countries and 1 region. Three countries had data considered to be of high quality and seven had data considered to be of medium quality. Categories for place of death and most of the predetermined factors possibly associated with place of death were included in the data files.


The quality of data sets was rated medium to high in 10 countries. Hence, death certificate data make it feasible to conduct an international comparative study on place of death and the associated factors in Latin America.


Pan American Health Organization


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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