1. Scientific Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems
Background. Menopause is an independent predictor of the development of metabolic syndrome, in the pathogenesis of which insulin resistance plays a leading role. Early menopause occurs in 5 % of women and, according to several studies, is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is one of the leading causes of death. The features of the course of metabolic syndrome in women with early menopause have not been sufficiently studied.The aim: to establish the prevalence of early menopause and its metabolic complications in the female population of Eastern Siberia.Materials and methods. The study population included 2695 women aged 18 to 80 years, who underwent the annual medical examination. The period of the study was March 2016 – December 2019. Among the surveyed women of 41–45 years old, a group of patients with early menopause (n = 18) and controls (n = 25) were identified. The diagnosis was made according to the STRAW criteria. The study used clinical, instrumental and laboratory research methods, including the assessment of hormonal and biochemical parameters, as well as the assessment of questionnaire data and statistical analysis.Results. The examined women with early menopause have an increase in BMI, waist volume, arterial hypertension, and an increase in the level of triglycerides and gonadotropic hormones. These changes potentially underlie the relationship between menopause and cardio-metabolic disease.Conclusion. These findings indicate the need to monitor the hormonal and metabolic parameters in this category of women to ensure timely prevention and correction of long-term complications associated with early menopause.
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