Vertical Delivery as a Method of Prevention of Obstetric and Perinatal Complications


Mochalova M. N.1,Novokshanovа S. V.1,Mudrov V. A.1


1. Chita State Medical Academy


Currently, there are many points of view on management of physiological labor, in particular, it concerns the intrapartum position of a woman. Tactics of modern obstetrics should ensure the safety of motherhood, which in future ensures the prosperity of the state. One of the alternative methods of delivery is the vertical position of a woman in the intrapartum period. It is impossible to describe the whole range of possible positions of a woman in the intrapartum period, the common ones being: lying position (lateral, reclining, lithotomy, Trendelenburg’s, etc.) or upright position (sitting, using a chair for childbirth, standing, squatting, standing on the knees, etc.). Opinions about how the vertical position of a mother in the intrapartum period affects the outcome of childbirth are quite ambiguous. The conclusions of various authors on that matter often contradict each other.The aim of the research was to study the role of vertical delivery in reducing the frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications.Materials: publications of foreign and domestic authors within the period from 1989 to 2017.Methods: systematic analysis and synthesis of literature data.Conclusion: Despite a significant number of studies, it is not possible to determine the universality of the vertical position in childbirth, therefore, the selection of patients for the management of vertical childbirth should be approached carefully. In the presence of pregnancy complications, preference should be given to the classic version of the position in childbirth. In women who have a low risk of perinatal complications, an upright position can be a worthy alternative. To prevent the development of bleeding in the III stage of labor and the early postpartum period, a woman should take a horizontal position after the birth of the fetus. This condition must also be observed when examining the birth canal. Thus, the rational tactics of conducting childbirth is to determine the optimal combination of vertical and horizontal positions at different periods of the childbirth process, taking into account the convenience for the woman in labor. 



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