Rahman Md. Hafizur,Akter Shahena,Chowdhury Suman
This paper tries to represent the difference between single diode and two diode photovoltaic models in terms of efficiency simulated by MATLAB. The research activities done earlier had shown a clear preview that the solar cell can act as concentrated solar cell for increasing the conversion efficiency to a great extant so that output power can be improved to a large scale. Here for showing the manner of concentrated solar action double diode model has been calculated for observing the power difference in comparison with the solar cell of single diode as a convenient one. It has been observed that the photovoltaic module with two diode model is observed as highly efficient in comparison with single diode model. And this two diode model can be treated as highly efficient to convert the solar energy in the electric energy. Also, the behavior of power performance is observed practically which is included in this paper. And finally, a comparison has been drawn out to exhibit the verification of power performance for two diode model using MATLAB simulation. The mostly impact factors considered in this paper are solar irradiance and temperature affecting the power output from PV module.
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