Strategies of Plant Biotechnology to Meet the Increasing Demand of Food and Nutrition in India


De SantanuORCID


A groundbreaking application of biotechnology research during the recent past has been improvement of crop health and production.  India being one of the most rapidly developing countries with an enormous population and remarkable biodiversity, plant biotechnology promises significant potential to contribute to characterization and conservation of the biodiversity, increasing its usefulness. However, India’s green revolution was noted to be insufficient to feed the country's teeming millions. Therefore, novel approaches in crop biotechnology had to be aimed at ensuring better productivity and quality of cultivars.  This paper provides a comprehensive review of research undertaken mainly in the last couple of decades along with potential strategies in plant biotechnology focusing on specific grain and seed crops of key agricultural as well as dietary importance to meet the growing demand of food and nutrition in India, while also proposing potential application of relevant global research findings in the Indian context.  The analysis would help address the ever-increasing worldwide socio-economic necessity for greater food security, particularly during times of crisis such as the recent Coronavirus Infectious Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.


AIJR Publisher

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