Downshifting as postmodernism in action


Barkov S. A.1,Markeeva A. V.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Downshifting is a phenomenon of the postmodernity. It could not exist in neither pre-industrial nor industrial society. If classical philosophy of postmodernism has debunked the idea of progress in theory, downshifters do this in practice. Downshifting has multiple causes. Resent restructurizations in organizations limited the possibility of the traditional vertical career path for many people. The process of globalization and familiarization with Eastern cultures has shown the arbitrariness of success as a major meaning of the human being’s life. The movement of people from centers of megalopolises to the outskirts and suburban areas enabled to realize the possibility of the life outside the “benefits of civilization”. The spread of freelancing has also become an important factor that allowed people to implement the life strategy of downshifting.Analysis of the Internet space (downshifting communities in social networks, content analysis of posts and comments about downshifting, online publications, etc.) revealed trends related to this strategy of professional and personal development. In particular, interest in downshifting is growing among various age audiences. In recent years, much very young man who have not yet begun their professional career actively discussed this social phenomenon and ideologically supported downshifting. It is also notable, the change in the popularity of different types of downshifting in Russia.Downshifting strategy regardless of the number of people who have use it, demonstrates a real understanding of social space as a multidimensional entity and limitations of the outdated and seemingly axiomatic ideas of the social dynamics.


Faculty of Sociology, Lomonosov Moscow State University


General Engineering

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