Controlological perspective for a study of social control of crime


Shipunova T. V.1


1. St. Petersburg State University


The article aims to consider the possibilities of using the controlological (critical) perspective in the analysis of social control of crime. The author reveals the main provisions of the new sociology of social control, or, in other words, the controlology. These provisions have received support in modern concepts of social control. The article shows the difference between controlological representations from the classical legal discourse. This difference, first of all, concerns the perception of institutional violence of state institutions for combating crime and ensuring security. Discussions, which reflect a critical view of crime control, unfold along three main lines. The first one concerns the consideration of control not only as a tool for maintaining the order established by the state, but also in terms of its negative consequences for individuals and society. The issues related to the selective control of the activities of persons holding a certain status in power and influencing the design of the legal field are considered. The second direction is associated with the analysis of the goals of social control. The methods of segregation of persons against whom the indictment has been issued are presented. In relation to them, the principle of behavioral homogeneity, which manifests itself both in a certain professional “treatment” with prisoners, and in arousing a persistent negative attitude towards them among the population, is implemented. The issue of social and cultural victimization of prisoners is considered. In the third direction, a critical perception of the subject of the activity of crime control agents is traced. Here, the focus of researchers is on the concept of “reliability”, which is discussed in relation to the assessment of crime risks, security means and the legality of actions of control agents. The basic provisions and conclusions in the article are supported by statistical data and the results of various studies.


Faculty of Sociology, Lomonosov Moscow State University


General Engineering

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