1. Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov
This research analyses social and generational theories by sociologists and economists, the patterns of development of society that they identified, and also traces the correlation between the portrait of a particular generation and toys for children under 7–11 years old, prevalent during the formation of this generation. An overview of modern popular toys is given and a forecast is made about what features and values of a generation can form their distribution. At the beginning of the research, the author discusses the connection between N. Kondratyev’s wave theory, which reflects the economic situation influencing the formation of a generation, and the Hove-Strauss theory of generations, as well as sociological works that supplement the modern understanding of generations: A.M. Rykiel’s generational values hierarchy, classification of generations by Yu.M. Levada. Further, attention is paid to the history of toys from the 1920s to 2020s and an analysis of the influence of toys on the formation of a generation is carried out. Some patterns are found between the values of a generation and toys widespread in the appropriate historical period, the result of the influence of modern toys on the portrait of a generation is predicted, and the reasons for such modern trend as gamification are also discussed. The search for patterns by which society is changing and the description of different generations and the historical and economic factors that determined their formation give the opportunity for the scientists to predict the image of the next generations. This perspective is relevant for the future as it has the prospect of development at the junction of social and exact sciences, may be used to predict scenarios of the future development of society. Revealing causal relationships and their subsequent expression by methods of mathematics will allow companies and government agencies to be more ready for new challenges, adapt to changes in society’s needs and trends in its development. At this stage, the research partially forecast the face of the generation born in 2000- 2020, and asks questions for further research1.
Faculty of Sociology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
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