Ecological plasticity of winter triticale varieties in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania


Manukyan Irina1,Abieva Tamara2,Doguzova Nino2


1. Severo-Kavkazskiy NII gornogo i predgornogo sel'skogo hozyaystva – filiala FGBNC «Vladikavkazskiy nauchnyy centr Rossiyskoy akademii nauk

2. Severo-Kavkazskiy NII gornogo i predgornogo sel'skogo hozyaystva – filiala FGBNC «Vladikavkazskiy nauchnyy centr Rossiyskoy akademii nauk»


The results of research on the identification of winter triticale varieties most adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the foothill zone of the Central Caucasus are presented. The research was carried out in 2019–2021 in the fields of SCNIIGPSH VNC RAS on 8 varietal samples: TGI 24/1 (Russia), Almaz (Russia), Kapral (Russia), Moderato (Poland), Hortenso (Poland), Grenado (Poland), Gor (Russia), Knyaz (Russia). For a comprehensive assessment and selection of valuable source material during selection for adaptability, a set of techniques was used to establish the reliability of the observed differences and obtain the necessary information about potential productivity and environmental plasticity. The highest ecological plasticity was characterized by the varieties of Gor (bi) = 0.7 and Hortenso and Grenado (bi) = 0.6. According to the coefficient of stability in various vegetation conditions, the variety Moderato and TGI 24/1 (S2d) = 0.01 turned out to be the best. The varieties of Gor, Hortenso and Grenado formed the highest average productivity of the ear over three years, which amounted to 3.6 and 3.3 g/kol, respectively. The share of the factor in the formation of yield was determined. The influence of vegetation conditions was 3.1% of varietal characteristics — 54.1%. High resistance to environmental stress factors was established in the litter Moderato, maximum compliance with the environmental conditions of the region – in varieties, Gor (3.6), Hortenso (3.3) and Grenado (2.8). High resistance to environmental stress factors has been established in the varieties of Gor, Hortenso and Grenado, high stability of productivity is characterized by varietal varieties – Moderato and TGI 24/1. In the distinguished varietal samples, the IPR index was: 19,6, 16,4, 18,4, 15,0, 11,1 accordingly, according to the classification table, it corresponds to high productivity. In the varieties Almaz, Kapral, and TGI 24/1, the indicators of the IPR index (10.0, 9.8, 10.6) corresponded to the average productivity of winter triticale. The selected cultivars will be used in breeding programs, when creating winter triticale varieties for the foothill zone of the Central Caucasus.


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

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