History of the formation of the national meadow growing, modern achievements and prospects for its development in the 21st century


Kutuzova Anel1


1. Federal State Budget Sciences Institution «Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology»


The article highlights the brief history of domestic meadow farming, reveals the modern potential of scientific developments published in various publications, and also substantiates the current directions of further development for the intensification of animal husbandry. At the initial stage, much attention was paid to the geobotanical study of natural forage lands and available techniques for improvement. Currently, the country's meadow farmers have developed complete technologies that ensure the production of 3.5–5.0 thousand feed units from 1 hectare in the forest zone, with the participation of a coordinated network of institutes up to 6–8 thousand feed units/ha in the southern regions of the country during irrigation. The use of new zoned varieties of grasses in hayfields and pastures contributes to increasing the productivity of these lands, the quality of feed and the economic efficiency of improved technologies. For the scientific explanation of the results obtained, it is necessary to apply the agro-energy method of estimating anthropogenic costs and natural factors.


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

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