
Zolotarev Vladimir1


1. Federal State Budget Sciences Institution «Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology»


Due to the presence of a complex of economically useful signs, meadow fescue is one of the most popular perennial grasses in the country's feed production. To increase the effectiveness of the use of meadow fescue, it is important to develop and introduce new highly productive varieties of this crop into produc-tion practice. In the Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology a tetraploid variety of meadow fescue 'Binara' was created. The higher effect of economic use of induced tetraploid varieties is due to the increased buffering of their genotype due to a higher level of intra-population hete-rosis and homeostasis. The collection of green mass of the forage crop of the 'Binara' variety exceeds the standard by 20.6% (diploid variety), dry matter — by 58%. In terms of protein content, the 'Binara' varie-ty exceeds the standard by 1.4%, in terms of carbohydrates — by 4.0%, which provides an increase in the indicators of palatability, digestibility of feed, especially in aftergrass. The palatability of the dry matter of the feed is higher than standard by 8.4%, the digestibility is 4.4%. The seed yield is 650–800 kg/ha and can reach 1000 kg/ha. The weight of 1000 seeds in the 'Binara' variety is 3.7–4.5 g versus 2.0–2.6 g in diploid varieties. Plants are differ by the gigantism of some metameric organs (generative shoots, spike-lets, leaves of the middle tier, etc.). Winter hardiness and disease resistance are stable, disease prevalence is low.


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

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