
Ostrikova Marina1


1. Voronezh Experimental Station for perennial grasses – branch of Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology


Among bluegrass perennial grasses, wheatgrass are one of the most valuable species for the steppe zone. The wheatgrass (Agropyron pectiniforme Roem. et Shult.) in the herbage of many zones occupy one of the leading positions. This is the most common species among wheatgrass in the wild. At the Voronezh Experimental Station for perennial grasses, primary seed production of the Pavlovsky 12 variety is carried out, based on collected wild-growing samples. Wheatgrass variety Pavlovsky 12 withstands grazing well, and is also well eaten by all farm animals in the hay and pasture. It is the main component of grass mix-tures (wheatgrass + alfalfa or sainfoin) in field and grassland crop rotations. An important condition for increasing the productivity of forage crops is the use of zoned breeding varieties adapted to the specific natural and climatic conditions of cultivation, in this regard, a research program has been developed at the station, which includes wheatgrass in the breeding process, as a more drought-resistant species of peren-nial grasses. In 2011, in order to accomplish the assigned tasks, they began to study the wheatgrass. After 4 years of study, a complex hybrid population of wheatgrass called SGP-8 was formed. In 2015, a com-petitive variety testing of samples with increased forage and seed productivity, drought resistance and resistance to stressful effects of abiotic and biotic environmental factors was started. Based on the results of the research, a promising sample variety was identified, which in 2020 was transferred to the State Commission of the Russian Federation for registration by expert assessment in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Permitted for Use.


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

Reference27 articles.

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